Vijay Subramanian


A blog about data, tools, and operating collaborative high performance cultures.

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Vijay Subramanian
Sep 5, 2024
Key Trends
Metric Trees By Any Other Name?

A short post on inter-related concepts to metric trees

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Aug 22, 2024
The Operational Utility of Metric Trees: Three Examples

Using concrete examples to illustrate the power of metric trees

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Aug 6, 2024
Metric Trees: A Classic 2x2 on Time and Process

Using a classic 2x2 framework to explore metric tree modeling

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Jul 22, 2024
Unique Challenges with Modeling Process Grains

Diving into the unique challenges with modeling process grains.

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Jul 11, 2024
Three Types of "Grains" in Analyzing Business Metrics

Diving into the 3 types of grains that permeate business metrics.

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Jun 27, 2024
Key Trends
Jevon's Paradox in Data

Examining Jevon's Paradox in the data domain, and how to resolve moving forward.

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Jun 10, 2024
Data Culture
The Powerful Action -> Analysis Loop

The powerful loop is action yielding insights driving more action.

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
May 30, 2024
Metric Trees in the Footsteps of Frameworks like Kimball

Metric Trees could become a canonical framework like Kimball's

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
May 15, 2024
Key Trends
Metrics/Semantic Layers - To Be or Not To Be?

Looking at true organizational needs for a metrics layer solution

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Apr 22, 2024
Key Trends
The Four Levels of Business Reviews

Examining the 4 "levels" at which business reviews are executed

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Apr 10, 2024
Data Culture
High vs Low Functioning Data Cultures

High vs low functioning data cultures and associated impact on data ROI

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Mar 21, 2024
Metric Trees as a "System of Record"

How metric trees can serve as an essential system of record.

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Mar 2, 2024
Key Trends
Finance Teams were the Original Data Pioneers

Exploring how to further empower the OG data folks, the finance team.

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Feb 15, 2024
Data Culture
Metrics Overload in Business Reviews

"Metrics bloat" is a common challenge to doing effective business reviews

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Jan 29, 2024
Data Culture
Data-Driven: Technical vs Cultural Aspects

Discussing what it means to be a truly data-driven culture

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Dec 21, 2023
Data Culture
Three Distinct Organizational, Analytical Workflows

Diving into React, Explore and Plan - three analytical jobs-to-be-done

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Nov 14, 2023
Key Trends
Benefits of Metrics and Semantic Layers

Metrics or semantic layers can do much more than metrics governance.

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Oct 17, 2023
Data Culture
The Role of Data Teams in Org-Wide Planning

Taking a look at how analytics can power planning processes

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian
Sep 28, 2023
Key Trends
Analytics: from Service to Product Mindset

Data-as-a-Product mindset can transform the analytics function

Vijay Subramanian
Vijay Subramanian