Metric Trees


A blog about data, tools, and operating collaborative high performance cultures.

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Metric Trees in the Footsteps of Frameworks like Kimball
May 30, 2024
Metric Trees in the Footsteps of Frameworks like Kimball

Metric Trees could become a canonical framework like Kimball's

Vijay Subramanian
Metric Trees as a "System of Record"
Mar 21, 2024
Metric Trees as a "System of Record"

How metric trees can serve as an essential system of record.

Vijay Subramanian
Finance Teams were the Original Data Pioneers
Mar 2, 2024
Key Trends
Finance Teams were the Original Data Pioneers

Exploring how to further empower the OG data folks, the finance team.

Vijay Subramanian
Data DAGs for Producers, Metric Graphs for Consumers
Dec 6, 2023
Key Trends
Data DAGs for Producers, Metric Graphs for Consumers

Could "metric graphs" enable data consumers?

Vijay Subramanian
Metric Tree Example: A Profit Tree for Trace Nutrition Shop
Aug 22, 2023
Metric Tree Example: A Profit Tree for Trace Nutrition Shop

Sharing a rich real-world example of a metric tree

Vijay Subramanian
Bridging Data and Business Teams with Metric Trees
Jul 27, 2023
Bridging Data and Business Teams with Metric Trees

How metric trees help translate across data and business domains

Vijay Subramanian
Metric Trees : Modeling Inputs and Outputs
Jun 30, 2023
Metric Trees : Modeling Inputs and Outputs

Metric trees model relationships between inputs and outputs

Vijay Subramanian
Streamlining Root Causing Using Metric Trees
Jun 2, 2023
Streamlining Root Causing Using Metric Trees

How metric trees enable root causing, save time and generate $$$

Vijay Subramanian
Introduction to Metric Trees
May 30, 2023
Introduction to Metric Trees

A proper introduction to metric trees with a real world example

Vijay Subramanian
Common Pitfalls with Business Reviews
May 16, 2023
Data Culture
Common Pitfalls with Business Reviews

Using metric trees and segments can level up business reviews

Vijay Subramanian